Case 2:  Flipped Chemistry with Manchester University and Beijing Normal University

Based on the “Introduction to Physical Chemistry” MOOC, academics from both Beijing Normal University and the University of Manchester, with the support from Wolearn, worked collaboratively to run a blended, flipped classroom model to help students develop self-directed learning and critical thinking skills.

Using the Wolearn platform, students studied the Introduction to Physical Chemistry course and extra resources specifically produced for this activity by the academics from Manchester University, working with teachers from BNU. They also used the Wolearn platform to send out announcements, upload learning materials and activities, answer students’ questions and lead the discussions in the forum. Students also had access to online tests after they had studied the MOOC. Teachers were then able to gather all the data from the tests and to assess learning progress and provide formative assessment for the course.

Two online seminars were organised between students and the academic who teaches the course at the University of Manchester. Students worked together to prepare questions based on their MOOC studies in preparation for the live seminar discussion with the Manchester University professor. The professor also used Responsive Wear to collect some instant answers and responses via mobile phones to further increase interactivity with the students.
